目前分類:學習雜記 (6)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要


ex :

for (int i = 0 ; i<strArrayA.Length ; i++)


    for (int z = 0 ; z<strArrayB.Length ; z++)


         if (strArrayA[i].Equal(strArrayB[z]))


                  do something.....






ex :

foreach (string stra in strArry)


    DataView1.RowFilter="UserKey ='" + stra + "'";

    if (DataView1.Count>0)


         .....do something.



  看起來似乎沒有什麼問題,而當初在寫這段程式時,預計這作業的功能運用,stra最多不到百筆,DataView也是一樣,但事與願違,事後使用者將其"發揚光大",資料量多達萬筆,這時就明顯的感覺到效能的差異,尤其一般end user的電腦設備沒有我們的好(有些使用者的電腦只有256MB的Ram...),所以他們的感覺更深刻,所以我被罵到臭頭(雖然這段也不是我寫,但這後來由我接手),但前一手會這麼寫也是正常的,如果是我,可能也是會這麼寫,所謂不經一事,不長一智,著手去測試觀察時,發現程式在跑這段時,記憶體會狂升,所以end user記憶體不大的情況下,就會跑page file,效能就更差了,就有位使用者反應,中午先點下去跑,中午吃完飯,睡個午覺,下午就可以用了.聽起來很誇張,但實際還真是如此,因為又加上網路頻寬的不足(2m/256K,8人共用),說真的,沒有發生這件事,還真的不知道RowFilter在這情況下,會有這樣的結果.


ex :

int tmpIndex=0;

for (int i = 0 ; i<strArrayA.Length ; i++)


    tmpIndex = Array.IndexOf(strArrayB,strArrayA[i])

    if (tmpIndex >-1)


           do something.....



  程式碼看起來變少,但因為DataView的RowFilter經驗,不知道這樣的效能會不會變的更差,於是寫了一個Unit Test比較兩種寫法的效能差異,結果用Array的方式還不錯,效能比用大小腸的好,沒有RowFilter的問題發生,但要感覺出兩種的差別,也是要資料量大及設備差才明顯,不然也是根本就感覺不出來.




jeffyeh 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

最近有遇到一次怪狀況,上網上到一半,突然跳出Adobe Reader的更新訊息,發現有8.0,要我升級.


就把那個更新視窗給關了,單獨開Adobe Reader的程式看看.




有一篇2008.3.10發表的,主旨是盜取帳戶密碼 又見釣魚郵件










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甲工廠花了鉅資,買了一台X光檢測儀,使用高科技的方式檢測,如果發現空盒,會有機器手臂將其夾起. 但因為精密儀器,每段時間都要再花一筆錢檢測,避免產生誤判.


乙工廠就把電風扇放在流水線的一邊,對個流水線上的肥皂盒吹,如果沒裝肥皂的,會比較輕,就會吹下流水線,掉到不良品的箱子去. 而電風扇也很好維護,又不耗電.




但總歸同仁的一些想法,其實有6成左右的分析需求,似乎用Excel就好了, 用不到BI這東西.






如果乙工廠想要跟甲工廠一樣的設備,那不就要等資金夠,或借錢去買設備? 那這段時間工廠要怎麼生存? 會不會在資金還沒存夠時,就倒了?

但我相信,能提出甲工廠那樣解決方案的人一定很多,就我所遇到或聽到的一些顧問,有不少都是此類型的,提出來的建議有些像產品推銷員.不然就像潮流的追隨者般的Power User或"學者". 但能提出乙工廠解決方案的人並不多,對我而言,這類型的人員才能算是Professional.

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有幾個反應在啇周的文章內,確實也有發生過. 例如 :

[急於找兇手定罪] 急於找出是誰做的,要他負責,但問題卻沒先著手處理. 我想,這種人可能平時推責任推習慣了,出問題時,急於把責任撇清,證明此時與自己無關. 更差的,還會落井下石.

[遇問題就亂手腳] 發生問題時,如驚弓之鳥,大腦無法冷靜下來,一直不知道要怎麼辦. 如果這情況發生在主管身上,那就慘了,部屬已經很緊張了,你還在讓大家更緊張,反而沒有使大家冷靜下來判斷.

[避風頭+事後軍師] 問題發生跟處理過程中,都沒出現也沒出聲,等大家處理完,才出來問說什麼事,再來提出自己的個人見解與做法. 可惜時效已過,您的見解無法驗證.

[全體一窩"瘋"] 不管問題的大小,問題的可能屬性,反正都會一口氣招集所有的人過來一起處理.

[問題複雜化] 有些人可能天生苦命慣了,不相信這世上不會每件事都那麼簡單,硬是把它想的很難,一直著手在"進階"的問題上,而乎視"簡單"的狀況. 所以可能花了很久的時間在檢查"進階"的問題,好一點的,會回頭看"簡單"的,差一點的,跟上級反應,這可能要請上游廠商協助. 記得有次老婆跟我反應,他們家的ERP連不上,聽了大概描述後,判斷要先檢查網路連線問題,結果他們家的外包電腦公司說不可能,花了一個上午在檢查,下午才修好,檢測結果是,網路線鬆了,沒插好.


怎麼去發現問題,解決問題,防範問題. 當有這能力時,那還有什麼問題~

Are you going to be a Trouble-shooter or Troublemaker?

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但寫到一半發現,如果這工具是給到心存不良的人使用,那就可怕了,原本的善意就變為惡意,好好的工具變為木馬或僵屍. 如果可以任意從遠端下指令給本機執行,那還有什麼不能做?










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有些事情久了,沒再去動它,就會漸漸忘了,幾年前曾在美國念語言學校,離開前的最後一篇Research Paper, 將它放在這,讓自己永遠記得,過去也曾經有過.


Disadvantages of DVD Protection



Thesis: Computer companies shouldn’t develop the new anti-copy method for DVDs because it will increase cost and because it is not user-friendly for customers. Also, it is futile.


I.      Expensive

A.     CSS license

B.     Using DVD

II.     Not user-friendly

A.     Checking CD

B.     Unlock CD

C.     Limit player

III.   Futile

A.     Clever thief

B.     New technology

C.     Rich Internet




DVD Protection 1













Disadvantages of DVD Protection

Yeh, Cheng-Chieh

Intensive English Language Institute

University of North Texas

July 10, 2002









DVD Protection 2

Disadvantages of DVD Protection

       Since DVD (Digital Versatile Disc or Digital Video Disc) was invented, it has become an important method of storage. DVD can save more data than VCD (Video Compact Disc). When we watch movies, DVD quality is better than VCD quality. DVD can save music, movies, and data. Also, we can use it in DVD player and computer. In fact, because of high technology, some people can use computer to copy data from DVD in order to save money or backup data. Many companies can’t earn much money, so they have developed a new anti-copy method, called CSS (Content Scramble System), is discovered by DoD (Drink or Die) and MoRE (Masters of Reverse Engineering). Because VCD doesn’t have any anti-copy method, people can copy easily. Today many companies use the new anti-copy method which is called CSS to stop illegal transfer. However, it will give customers some bad effects. Companies shouldn’t develop the new anti-copy method for DVDs because it will increase cost and because it is not user-friendly for customers. Also, it is futile.

The reason why companies should not develop the anti-copy method for DVDs is that anti-copy method will increase cost. If companies want to use CSS to protect their products which are saved in DVD, they need to get CSS license in order to use the anti-copy method. Only a few U.S. or European chip companies, who developed

DVD Protection 3

the DVD standard, have a CSS license to manufacture and sell CSS. Also, they have the master key which can decode CSS. If DVD players don’t have the master key, the DVD players can’t read DVD which has CSS. (Yoshida, 1997, 16). Not only is the new anti-copy method a problem for customers, but also it is a problem for manufactures that produce DVD player. Block (2001) said, “DVD title developers who operate legally have to pay royalties to both content owners and DVD technology patent holders. These royalties typically add up to several dollars or more per disc” (13). Therefore, customers have to pay more money for the new anti-copy method. “DVD copy protection is more expensive than our retail price on the games. The sales in the DVD-ROM category are also not high enough to justify the time and expense of adding copy protection measures to the releases” (Block, 2001, 12). People have been using DVD player for a few years. Because of the new anti-copy method, some older DVD players can’t read the DVD which has CSS. However, many companies don’t care about that because they just want to stop copying so that they can earn more money. One customer suit claims copy protection constitutes an unfair business practice. She could not play or copy the CD on her PC and instead had to provide personal information in order to download encrypted song files (Thorsberg & Spring, 2002, 11). As a result, if she wants to

Protection 4

play the CD, she has to buy a new DVD player which has CSS license. In the future, if companies develop a new DVD anti-copy method again, customers will need to buy a new player again.

        The second reason is that if companies develop anti-copy method for customers, customers will need to learn how to use it because it will not be the same as older method. It is not user-friendly. Many customers have had some bad experiences about the anti-copy method. For instance, PC games use a lot of different anti-copy methods, such as password and checking CD. When a game is played, the copy protection technology checks to see if the original CD is in the drive. If the original CD is not in the drive, the game can not be played (Block, 2001, 15). Because DVD can save more data than VCD, some companies try to place more games on a single DVD. One company, Greenleaf Technologies, made a new system. The system can save up to 10 games on a single DVD, but the data is scrambled into an unreadable format until a consumer pays to unlock each game at the publisher’s Web site, and then consumer can read and play it (Block, 2001, 24). Some music companies try to use a new anti-copy method to protect their products, but they give their customers some problems for using their products. For example, BMG, Sony, and Universal all confirm they’re testing copy protection on several sample and

DVD Protection 5

promotional CDs, but customers didn’t know that. When customers use PC to play music, Windows PCs could not read it (Thorsberg & Spring, 2002, 7). SafeAudio’s

protection scheme inserts small distortions that standard CD players filter out. CD-ROM and DVD-ROM drivers can’t block those distortions, so if you use your PC to play, rip, or burn such CDs the music will hiss and pop. Other technologies hide a CD’s table of contents, so your CD-ROM can not read it (Thorsberg & Spring, 2002, 9). Therefore, the new anti-copy method will give customers a lot of trouble. Even though customers paid the money for using their products, customers are still like thieves.

        Third, companies should not develop the anti-copy method because it is futile. In fact, because of Internet, people can get information more easily. People can watch movies, listen to music, read news, and get some information from Internet. Also, people can get some passwords that is a key to lock your program from Internet. “… Would do nothing less than encourage misappropriators to post the fruits of their wrongdoing on the Internet as quickly as possible and as widely as possible, thereby destroying a trade secret forever. Such a holding would not be prudent in this age of the Internet” (Cundiff, 2002, 8). CSS had protected DVD for a short time before DeCSS was invented. The DeCSS program which can copy an

DVD Protection 6

encrypted DVD file to a hard disk. No anti-copy method can protect all software forever. “A system to protect secrecy does not become unreasonable simply because

a clever thief finds a way to penetrate the security” (Cundiff, 2002, 9). Even though companies can develop a new anti-copy method again, people can find a way to penetrate the security again. “When rewritable DVD drives appear, you will be able to copy DVD discs as easily as copying an ordinary floppy disk” (Wang, 2002, 11). Therefore, the anti-copy method just gives customers some using problems. It can’t protect anything.

        In conclusion, companies try to develop a new anti-copy method to protect their products, but they still can’t find a perfect anti-copy method. The anti-copy method just increases cost and gives customers some using problems. Moreover, it is futile. I think the only way, which companies can do, is changing customers’ habit. If customers did not want to copy or use illegal products, companies wouldn’t need to develop any anti-copy method. However, if customers wanted to copy or use illegal products, companies could not stop them. Companies will still develop a new anti-copy method, and customers will still find a way to copy. It will be a big challenge for both of them.


DVD Protection 7


Block, D. G. (2001, June). Paying for protection. EMedia, 14(6), 58. Retrieved June

24, 2002, from EBSCOhost database.

Cundiff, V. A. (2002, May 13). Protecting sensitive computer codes. New York

Law Journal. Retrieved June 24, 2002, from EBSCOhost database.

Thorsberg, F. & Spring, T. (2002, Jan). New shackles on your CD, video copying.

PC World, 20(1), 20. Retrieved June 24, 2002, from EBSCOhost database.

Wang, W. (2000, March). Cracking DVD. Boardwatch Magazine, 14(3), 134.

Retrieved June 24, 2002, from EBSCOhost database.

Yoshida, J. (1997, May 26). Copy-protect logjam stalls DVD-PC debut. Electronic

Engineering Times, (955), 1. Retrieved June 18, 2000, from EBSCOhost


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